Download VMWare vSphere Client 5.5 and 5.5 update 1 (3,208) Add a Virtual machine to the inventory in VMware vSphere 5.5 (ESXi) (1,054) In Windows 7, Run program in compatibility mode is greyed out (785) VMware vSphere 5.5 Hypervisor (Free ESXi) limitations (626) How to install free VMware vSphere 5.5 (ESXi 5.5) license (595). VSphere Hypervisor is a bare-metal hypervisor that virtualizes servers; allowing you to consolidate your applications while saving time and money managing your IT infrastructure. Our free vSphere Hypervisor is built on the world’s smallest and most robust architecture: VMware vSphere ESXi, which.
In this post, I am not going to discuss about any technical stuffs or troubleshooting. This Post is purely to easy of vSphere Admins who want to download the VMware vSphere Client. I have athered the Download link of all versions of vSphere Client starting from vSphere Client v4.1 Update 1 to the latest release vSphere Client 6.0 Update 3. Just click on the vSphere Client Image in the below table to directly download the respective vSphere Client version.
vSphere Client Version | Installer File Name | Download Link (Click on the Image to Download) |
VMware vSphere Client v4.1 Update 1 | VMware-viclient-all-4.1.0-345043.exe | |
VMware vSphere Client v4.1 Update 2 | VMware-viclient-all-4.1.0-491557.exe | |
VMware vSphere Client v4.1 Update 3 | VMware-viclient-all-4.1.0-799345.exe | |
VMware vSphere Client v5.0 | VMware-viclient-all-5.0.0-455964.exe | |
VMware vSphere Client v5.0 Update 1 | VMware-viclient-all-5.0.0-623373.exe | |
VMware vSphere Client v5.0 Update 2 | VMware-viclient-all-5.0.0-913577.exe | |
vSphere Client v5.0 Update 3 | VMware-viclient-all-5.0.0-1300600.exe | |
VMware vSphere Client v5.1 | VMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-786111.exe | |
VMware vSphere Client 5.1.0a | VMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-860230.exe | |
VMware vSphere Client 5.1.0b | VMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-941893.exe | |
vSphere Client 5.1 Update 1 | VMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-1064113.exe | |
VMware vSphere Client 5.1 Update 1b | VMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-1235233.exe | |
vSphere Client 5.1 Update 2 | VMware-viclient-all-5.1.0-11471691.exe | |
VMware vSphere Client 5.5 | VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1281650.exe | |
vSphere Client 5.5 Update 1 | VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1618071.exe | |
VMware vSphere Client 5.5 Update 2 | VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1993072.exe |
vSphere Client 5.5 Update 1b | VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1880841.exe |
VMware vSphere Client 5.5 Update C | VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1745234.exe |
VMware vSphere Client 5.5 Update 1a | VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-1746248.ex |
vSphere Client 5.5 Update 3 | VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-3024345.exe |
vSphere Client 5.5 Update 3e | VMware-viclient-all-5.5.0-4032365.exe |
VMware vSphere Client 6.0 | VMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-2502222.exe |
vSphere Client 6.0 Update 1 | VMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-3016447.exe |
vSphere Client 6.0 Update 2 | VMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-3562874.exe |
vSphere Client 6.0 Update 2a | VMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-4437566.exe |
VMware vSphere Client 6.0 Update 3 | VMware-viclient-all-6.0.0-5112508.exe |

I hope this is informative for you. Thanks for reading!!. Be Social and share it in social media,if you feel worth sharing it.
vSphere 6.5 Blog posts:
What’s New with VMware vSphere 6.5?
vSphere 6.5 -What’s New with vCenter 6.5?
What’s New with Virtual SAN 6.5? – New Features Overview
vSphere 6.5 -What’s New with vSphere 6.5 HA & DRS
vSphere 6.5 – What’s is in VMware vSphere 6.5 Fault Tolerance?
Download VMware vSphere 6.5 – Get your Copy to Evaluate!!!
vSphere 6.5 – Deploying vCenter appliance 6.5
Deploying vCenter 6.5 External Platform Services Controller
Deploying vCenter Server appliance 6.5 with External PSC
vSphere 6.5 – Configuring vCenter Server 6.5 HA
vSphere 6.5 – vCenter 6.5 Native HA Failover Testing
vSphere 6.5 Configuration Maximums – What’s New?
vSphere 6.5 – How VM’s are Secured using vSphere 6.5 Security Features?
Migrate Windows vCenter Server 6.0 to vCenter Server appliance 6.5
vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 Posts
The Ultimate Revelation Of Reset VCSA 6.5 Root Password in 60 seconds
6 Basic Commands to Interact with VCSA 6.5 Embedded VPostgres Database
6 Tips for Configuring Firewall To Manage VCSA 6.5 Postgres Database Remotely You Can Learn From VMwareArena
How to Connect VCSA 6.5 Embedded Postgres Database using pgAdmin (With GUI) -VMware Unsupported
WinSCP Connection to VCSA failed – “Received too large SFTP packet”
How to Backup vCenter Appliance 6.5 Embedded Postgres Database
How to Monitor vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 performance using vimtop
Become an Expert on vCenter Server appliance Log File Location in 120 seconds
How to Backup And Restore VCSA 6.5 – The Ultimate Cheatsheet
How to Join VCSA 6.5 to Active Directory Domain from Web Client
How to Configure Active Directory Authentication for vCenter Server 6.5
The VMware Host Client is an HTML5-based UI client that is used to connect to and manage single ESXi hosts. It can be used to perform administrative tasks to manage host resources such as VMs, Networking and Storage. This UI client is also designed for troubleshooting individual VMs or hosts during times when vCenter and the vSphere Web Client are unavailable. vSphere 6.0 continues to support the Windows-based vSphere Client (also known as C# Client, or the VI Client.) Customers now also have the option to use the HTML5-based VMware Host Client to perform host-based operations in its place.We all aware that VMware Host Client is shipped with vSphere 6.0 Update 2. What if you are running with ESXi host which is not ESXi 6.0 Update 2 lets say ESXi 6.0 or ESXi 5.5. How do you use VMware host client to manage your ESXI 5.5 host. You will able to install VMware Host client utility using the VIB file provided by VMware. We will take a look at how to download and install VMware host client in ESXi 5.5.
Download and Install VMware Host Client
Download VMware Host Client
As similar to all softwares from VMware, you need to download and install VMware Host client vib file from the VMware website. This file needs to be installed on ESXi host. Download VMware Host Client. Since VMware Host is shipped with vSphere 6.0 Update 2. Ensure you have selected 6.0U2 from select version drop-down.
Download Vmware Vsphere Client 5.5 For Mac
You can download VMware Host Client offline bundle ,if you want to install it via VMware Update manager.
If you don’t have VMware Update Manager in your infrastructure and want to install Host client manually on the ESXi host, Download the VMware Host Client Standalone VIB and get it uploaded into ESXi host datastore.
Installing VMware Host Client
once you have downloaded the VIB file for host client, upload the same into the ESXi datastore using datastore browse option or using WinSCP. Browse towards the VIB file location in ESXi. I have placed it in /tmp directory. Execute the below esxcli command to initiate the install VMware Host Client.
esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/VMware-Host-Client-1.0.0-3617585.vib
To manage the ESXi host using VMware Host Client, Simply type https://<IP or Host Name of ESXi>/Ui and Login with your ESXi root Credentials. NOTE: For ESXi 5.5U2 and prior, and ESXi 6.0 hosts upgraded from any 5.5U2 or prior version, you will get a 503 error returned after visiting https://ESXi_HostName_or_IP/ui/ . This is Known issue and documented in VMware Host Client instructions in VMware Fling.
Vsphere 6.5 Download
How to Resolve 503 Error in VMware Host Client:
To resolve 503 Error, please remove the line starting with /ui from /etc/vmware/rhttpproxy/endpoints.conf and restart rhttpproxy with /etc/init.d/rhttpproxy restart
Edit the config file “/etc/vmware/rhttpproxy/endpoints.conf” using VI Editor
Remove the Line starting with /Ui
Restart rhttpproxy with /etc/init.d/rhttpproxy restart
Vmware Vsphere Client 5.5 Download
For ESXi 5.5U2 and prior hosts, you must ensure to append a trailing / (forward slash) to the URL after /ui. The URL must be https://<esxhost>/ui/ and Login with your root Credentials.
Download Vmware Vsphere Client 5.5 Update 2
That’s it. We have done with the download and install of VMware Host Client on ESXi 5.5 host. I hope this is informative for you. Thanks for Reading!!! Be social and share it in social media, if you feel share it in social media.