PDF Fundamentals of Health Care Financial Management Fundamentals of Health Care Financial Management bottom line means that the for-profi t organization pays less tax. Further, the organization is not harmed fi nancially for doing so because deprecia-tion is a noncash expense.
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Continuing to set the standard for quality, reliability, accuracy, and innovation, Brigham/Houston’s market-leading FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, CONCISE EDITION 9E provides a unique balance of clear concepts, current theory, and hands-on applications -- with early coverage of Time Value of Money and an emphasis on the concept of valuation throughout. Thorough coverage of the basics helps students understand the concepts and reasons behind corporate budgeting, financing, and working capital decision making. Numerous practical examples, proven end-of-chapter applications, and Integrated Cases demonstrate theory in action, while Excel® Spreadsheet Models help students master this important finance tool. An all-new Adaptive Test Prep app helps students effectively review for exams -- anyplace, anytime. In addition, a comprehensive support package, prepared by the text authors, connects closely with the book to reduce preparation time and reinforce student understanding.